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Gordon Doctors | Go Skin Cancer Clinic


Skin Check/Cancer Clinic incorporates Comprehensive Skin Checks at interval as indicated by your risk profile. Your Skin Cancer Physician GP with interest in Skin Cancer Medicine will help you determine your risk profile, use a dermatoscope for comprehensive checks, carry out biopsies and removals within the scope of their training and generally sees more skin cases. Your doctor works closely with the Dermatologist and refers on where indicated. The Skin Cancer Clinic at Gordon Doctors is personally attended to by Dr Rachel Tan and can be booked at Gordon Doctors by calling 02 9499 9999 or here.

Comprehensive Skin Check

The best way to prevent complications from skin cancer is having regular skin checks so that these skin cancers can be detected early before they spread. High-risk patients should routinely perform their own self examinations every 3-4 months, in conjunction with 6-12 monthly skin check with their doctor. Other individuals, including darker complexion, should also be aware of changes in skin and have regular skin checks.

If you haven't seen a GP

You should already be seeing your regular GP for general and preventative care. Your GP can do the skin checks generally or they will work with a Skin GP with special interest and training in skin cancer prevention and uses a dermatoscope for a more comprehensive check such as Dr Rachel Tan in our Skin Cancer Clinic. She can perform more treatments before referring to the dermatologist but works closely with the specialists. Some very high risk patients with history may do their regular skin checks with the Dermatologist. There are cost differences.


Depending on who is best to do your regular skin check with, you can book your appointment at interval recommended by your regular GP here. In any case, if you notice these symptoms with a mole/mark on your skin, you should show your doctor, either regular GP or skin GP or dermatologist for an opinion. 

  • A - Asymetry - not even shape

  • B - Borders - uneven border

  • C - Colour - variety of colours

  • D - Diameter - growing larger than 1 cm

  • E - Evolution - changing

High Risk Patients

Main risk factors for skin cancers are ultraviolet (UV) radiation, family history and gentic susceptibility i.e.

  • high sun exposure or past solarium use

  • one or more first-degree relatives with melanoma

  • the fairer your complexion, the more susceptible you will be to skin cancer

  • high number of moles on a person's body

Treatments for Skin Cancers

Your Skin GP is able to provide some of the treatments required for the management of skin cancers. For example:

  • Liquid nitrogen at the time of your skin check.

  • Ointments available only with a medical prescription.

  • Follow up appointment for a small biopsy or excision.

Please note the following will likely be referred on to plastic surgeon or dermatologist. Your Skin GP will let you know.

  • Skin cancers which are located on the neck, face and lower leg

  • Patients who are on blood thinning tablets.

  • If the initial biopsy or excision of a skin lesion confirms a skin cancer, to remove a larger area of skin. 


Should treatment be needed and suitable for GP, your Skin GP will give you their opinion, recommendations, a proposal including timeframe, risk, benefit and cost. You will also be given consent forms to fill in before booking a procedure appointment. For cases as outlined above, you will be referred to dermatologists for which there will be cost differences.

Your Skin Check/Cancer Team

Doctor and patient
rachel tan | gordon doctors

MBBS(Hons) FRACGP Dip Paeds

  • Dermatoscopy

  • Additional skills and training in the prevention and management of skin cancers.

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