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Managing Your Health during a Pandemic

Gordon Medical Centre

Updated: May 6, 2020

Dear Patients,

As your doctors and nurses, we have indeed followed and played a major role in the current situation and would greatly urge that we all follow the Social Distancing and Isolation guidelines that are now part of everyday life.

We understand coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has created a lot of anxiety and uncertainty in the community. The purpose of this article is to outline where our role can service our patients and community. We are in constant communication with the Commonwealth and NSW Department of Health and the RACGP which are at the forefront of this process.

As such, the Gordon Medical Centre remains open normal operating hours. Specifically, we follow strict protocols to protect our patients.

  • Surfaces are wiped down with Hospital Grade Disinfectant regularly

  • All cold and flu symptoms e.g. fever, cough, and isolation patients are seen on telehealth and not on premises

  • We observe strict 1.5 metres distance between staff and patients

  • Patients can wait outside and will be called by our reception when ready

  • Sanitising gel, masks and tissues are readily available for practising good hygiene

  • Dedicated isolation room is used should that be required

  • Staff wears personal protective equipment where appropriate

  • We accept tap and go card payment and wear gloves to limit exposure

  • We recommend certain times as preferable for vulnerable patients

COVID-19 most seriously affects the elderly and those with chronic disease and immunosuppression. For that reason we encourage patients who fit into this category to consider having a telehealth consultation to minimize their need to be out in the community.

  • Over 70 years

  • Chronic disease or immune- compromised

  • Pregnant

  • A parent of a child under 12months of age

  • Currently in isolation for suspected COVID 19 infection

Telehealth Appointments can be booked by calling the surgery on 02 94999999 or online at .

If you would like to do a telehealth consultation but do not fall into the above category this can also be arranged. Our nurses and reception staff are on hand to help all our patients through.

There are obviously some conditions that cannot be managed over the phone and will necessitate a consultation at the practice of which your doctor will advise you.

During these challenging times, one of the risk to public healthcare is other health complaints will occur at the same rate and can risk being ignored. It is important to maintain excellent general health during this time and to keep the hospitals and emergency departments free to manage respiratory illness. In particular we would like to remind parents to keep their children’s immunisations up to date and EVERYONE over the age of 6 months to consider an influenza vaccine.

We have organised a Flu Clinic for our patients from 7 Apr - 7 May 2020 which can now be booked by calling 02 94999999. We ask anyone who has cold and flu symptoms at the time to be careful to postpone their flu shots and book a telehealth appointment instead.

Lastly, we request that ALL patients with respiratory illness, fever, COVID-19 contacts or recent overseas travel book a telehealth appointment and DO NOT COME INTO THE SURGERY. In this way we can guide you while we protect the vulnerable and our frontline staff.

As a practice and group of doctors, our infrastructure is well placed to continue to serve you. Several areas our practice will be concentrating on are

  • Infection Control and Sterilisation, ensuring the safety of our patients and staff

  • Triaging symptomatic patients effectively and caringly

  • Patient care of vulnerable patients in a timely manner

  • Preventative Healthcare measures that are even more critical now

  • Continuing to provide our services to patients who depend on us

  • Giving guidance using the most reliable information sources

We hope this communication has provided some reassurance to you during a very uncertain time. While these are interesting times, compassion and strength are what we are focusing on to take us through.

We are able to clarify any of the above if you contact us by phone or email at .

Kind regards and keep well,

The Gordon Medical Centre team

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@ 2016 Gordon Doctors

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